The general quote blockquotes only quotes an external source, whereas, by pull quotes, you can quote your article. A few changes in the block positioning are also added. Gutenberg editor has added new alignment options with more flexibility. New Alignment option and Pull Quote block The color switches are also there in the sidebar block option. From this, the available options can be checked at an appropriate time. The font size can be changed easily, can be transformed into Drop Cap and you can change the color as well. Some options for the visual style and cover text are added in the editor. It can also add responsive column blocks. The tables can be added as blocks in the visual editor. Headers, images, paragraphs, featured images, headers, and embedded files are included in the blocks. Every content in Gutenberg has its particular block. The blocks are a new extension in the WordPress world. You must have heard about the ‘Blocks’ in Gutenberg editors. Extra CSS class can also be added to a certain block. The HTML block in Gutenberg is effective for large content and the table of content can be created with ease. You can directly link to some appropriate block on a post from anywhere. A preview can also be seen from the right in the block.
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You can insert code from the Live HTML block. Let’s comprehend the reasons to choose Gutenberg for a WordPress website.

So, above the Gutenberg interface has been defined that has given us a quick outline of each section of the Gutenberg interface. Several blocks have more choices and that might be configured from the right sidebar. The block toolbar is placed above the block. The block toolbar has the most basic and commonly used settings. This page will guide you in finding the advanced settings of your page for each block. It has almost the same settings as the existing WordPress editor has than the: You can apply these settings on the page or the post on which you are editing the content. The document settings are either the page settings or post settings. The explanation of these categories is given below: Document settings It is categorized into two parts, namely, Document settings and block settings.

These settings can be seen at the right sidebar. Every block has its toolbar with new features. A paragraph block is shown when you click inside it to edit the content. You can see a block toolbar above each block. Gutenberg block is rather used than TinyMCE for editing the content. It is equivalent to the classic WordPress editor. You can add the content of your page in this area. It is located below the editing toolbar and is a large area. The block toolbar can be fixed at the top of the screen 2.You can switch between the code and visual editors.You can view the content structure like paragraphs, headings, blocks, number of words, etc.You can add a block to the content area.Publish settings, like time and date and post visibility.You can navigate to the page with block navigation tool.

Below are some of the options that you can do in the editing toolbar: Editing ToolbarĮditing toolbar is placed at the top of the screen. It is being categorized into three sections, namely, Editing Toolbar, Content area, and advanced settings. Gutenberg interface is a bit different from the existing one. But, before explaining the reasons, it will be better to look at its interface. This article explains the reasons to choose Gutenberg Editor. If you are dealing directly with the content production, as in, copywriters, bloggers, and editors, then, Gutenberg editor provides the fruitful content. It is being re-imagined and re-designed completely. It is a delight for those who have been using the editor for a sequence of problems. It has been used by several WordPress experts to catch its incomparable features for WordPress website development. Matt Mullenweg has defined editing focus as defined in this link. In an outline, Gutenberg editor is a knot to develop outstanding pages and posts for an optimum experience. It is not only a tool but also, is an impressive visual editor. The main aim of Gutenberg Editor is to provide the ability to create rich, simple, enjoyable and rich content. It has provided the ground for the modern knowledge-based economy and has conveyed learning to numerous classes. Gutenberg’s creation has played a major role in the development of Reformation, Renaissance, the Scientific revolution and the age of enlightenment. Movable type printing was initially used by him. And, it is now replaced with Gutenberg Editor. The existing TinyMCE text editor in WordPress has not achieved many changes from along. Here arrives the good news! With a release of WordPress 5.2, the Gutenberg Editor has also got new updates.